Hazardous travel tips

Most of these tips have been collected by real people in the most ordinary situations. If you have your additions to this advice - please send.

  1. Train ticket is always better to buy with illegal seller- so you spend less time on the purchase and save time.

  2. When are you going to visit do not forget to put all their belongings in a beautiful and expensive handbags - so everyone around will know that you are secured and people will respect you.

  3. Preferably all the good and valuable things to add one or two very large and roomy bag - let everyone know that you can afford to have a lot of good things.

  4. Take a trip in a lot of money, put them all in one pocket or a bag - suddenly on the road something good to meet - will be available immediately without the hassle.

  5. Large sum of money should be put in a purse - you always need to have cash on hand for purchase.

  6. Dress should be in style and comfort. Winter - Women's suits and mink coat (at worst sheepskin), in the summer - a mini-skirt.

  7. Railroad ticket is better to put in a purse, the same shall be a passport, license, etc. Everything must be always at your fingertips - and if he did lose - so all at once.

  8. When you are already on railway platform, do this: add up all their belongings in a large and long series and turn away - who are they will need. At this time you can admire the sunrise or the beautiful scenery on the opposite side of railway platform.

  9. As soon sit in a compartment immediately tell fellow travelers where you eat, where he works, how you're doing at work - you have nothing to hide from others - you are an honest man.

  10. All my things are not stacked in the lower chest (under the seat) - because from there things get difficult - it is better to lay open top shelves - there are easier to get, if that.

  11. Outer clothes should be hung on a hook near the door - let the people who go down the hall, throw a surprise in your pocket.

  12. When you pay for the bed - to get money from her purse, stuffed to the eyeballs in money - because you can afford it - why in advance to save money on the bed and distract yourself doing this.

  13. Unpack things turn bag \ handbag for companion - let him see how many interesting things you have.

  14. All extended stops must get out of the compartment and walk on railway platform - the compartment does not leave anyone - let it get some air. To do this, you can still open the door wide open.

  15. Buy all the most appetizing and tasty-looking at all the stops: meat, meat patties, cakes, fish - you can even crude - come home - cook, so everyone will be a surprise.

  16. Especially chic to buy a strange-looking people a few bottles of vodka, because all sellers - not scammers, and sell very good product.

  17. If your fellow traveler offers you a drink at his expense, or treats you with tea, coffee, which is poured out while you go have a smoke (the toilet) - drink all you like - just put sleeping pills in detective films.

  18. If you do not have a drink with someone in the compartment - go to the restaurant car - find a friend and invite them to a compartment - alone with a stranger would be more fun.

  19. If you were suddenly asked to change for large bills - how much will be asked to change - maybe you will need a lot of money a piece of paper.

  20. If you offer to buy some appliance: radio, player, shaver, electric kettle, etc. - Buy, nothing that we can not check the work of those things - but as cheap.

  21. Always change rubles RUR into hryvnia UAH, dollars into rubles, rubles at the D-mark in the trains, and even better at the major stations and in the evening at dusk - at this time is cool and the sun does not hit in the eye.

  22. All customs hide all the money in underwear, and in the customs declaration write a small amount - because nobody ever guess you are searching and doubt what you say.

  23. Going to bed or close the door - in the coupe will not be hot and you have a good night's sleep.

  24. Sleep better head to the window - so you will not hear, who walks down the hall and quietly fall asleep.

  25. At night all the money and documents should be left in your pocket - you can at any moment for something to pay.

  26. Good shoes for the night is always better to keep close to the shelf - you suddenly want to go out at night, and slippers are not suitable for this - you are the secured person.

  27. More often get out of the compartment, under any pretext - why do you know what to do at this moment another person.

  28. Just for fun, play with all the fellow travelers in the cards for money - it's faster time goes on the road.

  29. Upon arrival at your station, grab all the bags and ran run out of the car - why waste time on checking all of belongings and items (jackets, hats, scarves :).

  30. Drink more beer (kvass, juice, mineral water) before all the major stations where the train is more than 10-15 minutes. Your stomach will never let you down. A sanitary zone - a relic of the past.

  31. Take the road more perishable foods (raw smoked sausages, cakes, etc.) - this is for you more than an incentive to eat faster.

  32. On the road eat more garlic, onions and other spices - let them see what you gourmet.

  33. Before leaving, do not wash - can still sweating. Here come and swim. And around would have to understand it.

  34. No need to dress in clean clothes and travel clothing - may in fact dirty.

  35. Never take a trip medicines - your stomach, heart, my head will never disappoint you.

  36. Try to arrive in an unfamiliar city closer to the middle of the night - you will have a lot of time to study the night walks.

  37. Upon arrival immediately take things in a locker and cameras record the number on the paper by large numbers, so it could see the man standing next to you.

  38. Do not bring your toiletries - suddenly the train will soon begin issuing toothbrushes.

  39. Do not be interested when the train arrives - your inner "I" itself tells you.

  40. Never studied the rules of conduct on the railroad. Why do you need to know that you can offer and what you can expect. This extra information can score an already tormented mind.

  41. If you want to go with change, then take your ticket so that the interval between trains at the transfer station was not more than five, at most ten minutes to go to another platform. Trains run right on schedule, you can even watch to compare, and why you too much time hanging around the station? - [Sent Vladimir Karelin].

  42. If you are a man and you have the good fortune to travel in a compartment with women - in any case do not go out into the hallway and did not leave the ladies alone! Suddenly the strip broke off, if they bother to change clothes in the toilet? - [Sent Rita P.]

  43. If you snore, try as possible before going to bed! The louder you snore, the earlier the need to go! - [Sent Rita P.]

  44. If you are traveling with children, even adults, do not take them a separate ticket. 10-year-old son and mother may well sleep head to toe on the bottom shelf! - [Sent Rita P.]

  45. If not sleepy, but in the window looking bored, play with toys on the mobile phone. Just remember to include all the sound at full blast - let the surrounding appreciate your cool cell phone? - [Sent Rita P.]

  46. If the next car ride your three friends, invite them to his compartment on a visit! So what that 7 people instead of 4 you have fun! - [Sent Rita P.]

  47. Sitting on the top shelf, feet down! Preferably in dirty socks! Feet to chat, relax! You're on vacation! - [Sent Rita P.]

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